“Here at Diamond E Gundogs, Jenna and I want to produce a hard driving but biddable dog. One that has the natural instincts to seek out game, but to hunt for the hunter and always have a check back routine. A dog that will “Auto Range” according to cover and conditions. We also like our dogs to be “family dogs” as well. All of our dogs are handled every day, and are also socialized with dogs that they do not hunt with as well. Some of these traits can be taught, but most are natural. We try to pay attention to all of these qualities when producing our future gundogs. We're producing quality gundogs for the field and the family.”
-Ronnie Elliott

Heidi ended up 2nd overall out of 36 dogs on the first day of regionals
to advance to the top 16 dogs on Sunday. Sunday she had a 3 bird run to advance to the top 6. At the end of the day the difference between 1st and 5th place was 1 bird and less than 100 points. We ended up 4th runner up and were very proud to have ended up there after running against some tough competition!